Consumer Coverage Blog
August 3rd, 2009

Despite the constant arguing between The House and Senate Democrats and the GOP negotiators they have attained a broad consensus on the health care reform. Lawmakers agree that it should be mandatory that all individuals must be required to carry health insurance. They also agree that Medicaid should be extensively expanded and in order to accomplish this taxes will have to increase. The final decision could bring some very momentous changes to the Medicare program. What are your thoughts?

December 5th, 2008

My health insurance policy rates just went up by nearly 20%…. Is that a normal rate increase? We at HIBO see rate increases every year with insurance carriers. Inflation on the healthcare industry is at nearly 21% a year. Know what that means? Your health rates will go up with that trend. How can I mitigate that rate increase cost? HSA, HDHP, high deductible health plans will have less of a rate increase in most instances. Check to make sure your carrier is Domiciled in your state. They will have to approve rate increases with your insurance commissioner. If they are not domiciled you might see higher health insurance rate increases. Give us your experience here, please comment.